Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ian Somerhalder Asks Fans To Love Each Other

When you think of Ian Somerhalder, you don’t think just of a vampire or hunk, but a humanitarian at the heart. So he recently felt the urge to ask people to be kind and remember to love your neighbors. The random and sort of odd request comes deep from his passionate heart. Ian has been working hard to promote his own ISF, as well as other ones that remain close to his heart. In the meantime, here is what he asked from his fans.

Please please please help each other.

It seems like a kind request, but he could have elaborated more on it. It seems like a really weird tweet without any info on what made him say it. However, with that being said I do think most of us can agree with Ian and his request. Nobody wants to fight with anyone and I agree that the world should be more peaceful. Maybe Ian should one day consider becoming a full time activist or even into politics one day? He would likely do well with the help of his message.


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