Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Vampire Diaries Spoilers: Stefan Will Always Have Feelings For Elena

It’s been a rough season for Stefan (Paul Wesley) in the love department on The Vampire Diaries. He had to watch the former love of his life, Elena (Nina Dobrev), find happiness with his brother. Then, fend off the advances of Katherine-as-Elena, despite still having feelings for Elena. Now, Elena is back in control of her body and having tons of breakup sex with Damon. How does this affect Stefan’s feelings for Elena?
Answer: it doesn’t. According to Paul, Stefan will always have feelings for Elena: “There are always residual feelings with anyone that you’re ever with romantically,” Paul told TVLine. Subtext: love triangles are the strongest shape.
This insight is particularly interesting given that Stefan’s feelings are about to get tested as Stelena starts having dream-visions of their would-be life together — complete with kids and kitchen sex. As we can see in this promo for Season 5, Episode 18 (“Resident Evil”), this visions are shared and its making everyone (except Enzo) really awkward.
But, before you write off this visions as a manifestation of the doppelgangers’ hidden desires for one another, know that they seem to be caused by Markos — aka the Traveler leader. In this promo for Season 5, we hear him say: “I’m the reason Stefan and Elena are being drawn together.” Why does Markos want the doppelgangers together? And what truth is there in the prophecy that they will always end up together? Is this where Stefan’s feelings for Elena come from, or are they a result of his own free will? Hopefully, the next few episodes of TVD will shed some light on the doppelganger prophecy’s relation to our favorite love triangle.


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